
issue 2024 Dec.


〈BEAMS PLUS〉は2024年、皆様に支えられ
『We're not for everyone.』
"本当に好きな人のために" という思いが込められています。
今回は、長年〈BEAMS PLUS〉を愛用してくださっている
お客様の“My BEAMS PLUS”をご紹介。

In 2024, BEAMS PLUS celebrates its 25th anniversary with your support.
We're not for everyone.
This phrase, which we have used since our inception,
expresses our wish to “cater to those who truly love our products.
This time, we would like to introduce “My BEAMS PLUS” from a customer
who has been a loyal BEAMS PLUS customer for many years.
We will share with you the stories of each and every one of our customers,
including items that have evolved and blossomed through repeated use,
staple items that they buy over and over again,
and nostalgic items that they have missed.





Sports Jacket Suede


2017 A.W.


I think it is an updated version of the suede blouson that was popular in my youth, and I bought it immediately, partly out of nostalgia. I like the ease of wearing it over a T-shirt when going to the neighborhood, and the versatility of wearing it with denim, military pants, or even with wool pants for a more elegant look.

by Daiya Kohama




MIL Utility Trousers


2018 S.S.


These pants in navy back satin show their true value the more you wear them! This is one of the items that I was able to experience “transformation development”.

by Kazushige Tokiya




MIL Trousers


2020 S.S.

BEAMS PLUSの入門パンツでもありBEAMS PLUSの正装をも担うパンツ。US ARMYのvintageではなかなか出会えないレングス、太さ、状態、生地感など、それらのすべてを解決し、満たしてくれるパンツ。

BEAMS PLUS introductory pants and BEAMS PLUS formal pants. These pants solve all the problems of length, thickness, condition, and fabric that are hard to find in vintage US ARMY pants.

by Ryusuke Ishida




Cleric Shirt

実はこのシャツを購入した時、まだBEAMS PLUSというレーベルを知りませんでした。そもそもBEAMSというブランドの中に、いくつもレーベルというものがある事もよく分かっておらず、このシャツもいわゆる複合店と言われる店舗で購入しました。ある時、改めてクローゼットの中の服のタグを見てみると「あ、ずっと気に入って着てるけど、この服もPLUSだったんだ…」なんて服がちらほら。今でこそ、服を買う=BEAMS PLUSで選ぶ。となっていますが、知らなかっただけで、ずっと前からPLUSの服が好きだったんだなぁと。そんな中の1枚です。リコメンドポイントは、タイドアップして綺麗目に着たり、1枚着や羽織りものとしてラフに着る事もできて、色んなスタイルが楽しめる所と生地の肌触りです。

In fact, when I purchased this shirt, I was not yet aware of the BEAMS PLUS label. I didn't even know that there were several labels within the BEAMS brand, and I bought this shirt at a so-called “complex” store. One day, when I looked at the tags of the clothes in my closet again, I found that there were some clothes here and there that I had always liked and worn, but I had no idea that they were also PLUS. Nowadays, buying clothes = choosing clothes from BEAMS PLUS. But I guess I just didn't know that I liked PLUS clothes for a long time. This is one of those pieces. The recomendation point is that you can wear it tied up for a beautiful look, or wear it as a single piece or as a woven fabric for a rougher look, and you can enjoy various styles and the texture of the fabric.

by Shinobu Tadokoro




Military Pouch

購入年は不明ですが15年位は使っています。間違えているかもしれませんが、ファブリックはどっかの軍のデッドストックだったと思います。自分は常備薬を入れて常に持ち歩いてるので、1番使用している物になります。タグが外に縫ってあるのもBEAMS PLUSでは珍しく気に入っているポイントになります。

I am not sure of the year I purchased it, but I have been using it for about 15 years. I could be wrong, but I think the fabric was some military dead stock. I carry it with me all the time with my regular medicine in it, so it's the one I use the most. The tag is sewn on the outside of the bag, which is also a rare feature that I like about BEAMS PLUS.

by Teruyoshi Aso




B.D. Madras Panel


2014 S.S.


This is the first multi-patterned shirt I purchased, so it is a memorable product. I especially like the pattern on the right sleeve. However, it was true to size when I purchased it, so unfortunately I now specialize in looking at it.

by Takayuki Irei




Gym Pants Slim


2016 S.S.


These GYM pants are the pants that have walked with my kids as they have grown up. I always wear these pants when I go to the park with my children. I also wear them every year at daycare centers and elementary school athletic meets. The nice thing about these GYM pants is that they are stretchy. When I play with my kids, I have to stand up and sit down many times, so these pants are stress-free. I also like that I can wear them in any season. I recommend these pants for fathers raising children!

by Tadanobu Yoshida




MIL Chore Jacket


2022 S.S.

触った瞬間に驚かされる生地の柔らかさ、洗いを繰り返すことで際立つヘリンボーン柄、そして強烈なパッカリング。年月とともに所有者ごとの表情が完成する相棒と呼ぶに相応しいMIL Chore Jacket。両サイドポケットはジップ付のダブルポケット仕様にアップデート!タウンユースにもしっかり対応しているあたりがBEAMS PLUSらしいポイントの1つです。

The softness of the fabric surprises you the moment you touch it, the herringbone pattern stands out after repeated washing, and the strong puckering. The MIL Chore Jacket is a perfect partner that will take on a unique look as it ages. The side pockets have been updated to double pockets with zips! One of the BEAMS PLUS' unique points is that it is also suitable for town use.

by Nobutaka Yamada




B.D. Oxford


2004 S.S. ~ 2004 A.W.

ビームス プラス 渋谷にて購入したB.Dシャツです。この頃はMade in USAで他にも様々な生地のシャツがありましたが、この生地は幻のダンリバー社のPIMAcottonのOXford。やや黄色みががった配色で目が詰まった雰囲気は何度着てもその風合いは変わりません。クラシックフィットなので時代を問わず未だに現役です。このシャツは永遠の4番選手であることは間違いない。

his B.D shirt was purchased at BEAMS PLUS Shibuya. There were many other shirts made in USA in those days, but this shirt is made in OXford of PIMAcotton by Dan River, which is a rare and fantastic fabric. The slightly yellowish color scheme and tight texture will not change no matter how many times you wear it. The classic fit is still in use regardless of time. This shirt is definitely the eternal number 4 player.

by Masaki Akiyama







Lizard Wallet,
Crocodile Wallet, Glass Case


2005 A.W. ~ 2006 A.W.


1. Lizard Wallet

2. Crocodile Wallet

3. Glass Case
当時、BEAMS PLUSにも革巻のタバコケースとかライターケースとか、グルーミングキットとかがありました。メンズショップがまだ生きていた、古き良きあの時代ですねえ...。そんな中から選んだグラスケース。買ったあと、開け方が分からなくて四苦八苦したのも懐かしい。+型の刺繍のところがボタンになってたのでした。ずっとメタルフレームの眼鏡を入れて使ってました。サイズが小さめで、大ぶりのセルフレームは入りません。MoscotのLemtosh+がバチっと入るやつ、久々に作りませんか?

Clothes get worn out, size out, or go out of style, but you would be surprised to find that small items are used by 10- and 20-year-old players without a hitch. So, let me introduce three small items. All of them are items that I saw in the 2005AW and 2006AW paper catalogs and thought, “I want! and I think it was around 2006-2007 when I purchased these items.

1. Lizard Wallet
A standard L-shaped double-zip wallet. Exotic leather was also available at the time, and this is black lizard. Ostrich was also cool. Unlike ordinary cowhide, it is lined and a bit hard, so it doesn't taste so good. The zipper broke once and was replaced and repaired. It is compact yet luxurious, and I have never met a better wallet in my life.

2. Crocodile Wallet
Money clip. At the time, it took courage to pay 60,000 yen for this small wallet. But I thought I wanted a crocodile that I could use even as an adult. After using it, I found out that it is actually not friendly to right-handed people. When I release the snap button with my right thumb, it opens down. So I became an old man without using it most of the time. I'm laying it down carefully with the intention of using it someday.

3. Glass case
Back then, BEAMS PLUS had leather cigarette cases, lighter cases, and grooming kits. Those were the good old days when men's stores still existed. I chose this glass case from among them. I remember I had a hard time opening it after I bought it. The embroidered part in the shape of “*” was a button. I used it for a long time with metal frame glasses in it. It is too small to put big frames in it, so why don't you make one that can hold Moscato's Remtosh+?

by Naoki Koseki




2P Chino Pants


2014 A.W.

BEAMS PLUSを知るきっかけになった商品。太めに履きたかった自分はスタッフさんの勧めもあり、サイズとしてはいつもより大きいXLを試着。少し短めな丈のため、丈直しなしで、程よいテーパードシルエットを体感でき、即決。ハリのある生地感、ウエスト部分の2プリーツ、裾のダブル仕様もお気に入り。その後、他のサイズ・カラーを加え、現在は計4本所有し、オンオフ両方で活躍しています。定番商品なのでいつでも買い足しできるところも魅力です。

This is the product that led me to know about BEAMS PLUS. As I wanted to wear them thicker, I tried on a size XL, which was larger than usual, based on the staff's recommendation. The slightly shorter length allowed me to experience a good tapered silhouette without having to adjust the length, and I immediately decided to go for it. I also like the bouncy feel of the fabric, the two pleats at the waist, and the double hem. Since then, I have added other sizes and colors to my collection and now own a total of four pairs, which I use both on and off the job. The fact that it is a standard item and can be added to my collection at any time is also appealing.

by Yoshihiro Matsushita




Black Watch Suit


This exquisite plaid set-up was an item that I wore frequently on business trips abroad. When I was working in Goa, India, a roomkeeper at a seaside hotel suddenly asked me, “This suit is so cool, where do you get it? I said, “BEAMS in Japan. When I told him “BEAMS in Japan,” he looked disappointed. Well, he looked at this set-up for a long time.

by Hirokazu Uemura




B.D. Chambray


2016 S.S.

BEAMS PLUSへ通い始めた頃に購入した記憶があります。シャンブレーのBDシャツというその素材感とディテールからドレスアップとカジュアルダウンのどちらにも振ることができ、スタイリングのラストピースとしてこれほど優秀なものはないと思っています。まさにユーティリティプレイヤー。そのおかげかオンオフ問わず迷ったらこれを選ぶことが多く、同時期に購入した他アイテムと比べて変身開花が良く進んでいます(笑)歳を重ねても、体型や好みが変わっても、変わらずワードローブに並び続ける相棒の一つとして、ずっとラインナップしていて欲しい逸品です。

This is a memorable shirt that I purchased when I first started going to BEAMS PLUS. This chambray BD shirt can be dressed up or down depending on the material and details, and there is nothing better for last minute styling. It is truly a utility player. Thanks to this, I often choose this one when I am in doubt about whether to wear it on or off the job, and it has aged well compared to other items I purchased around the same time. Even as I age and my body shape and tastes change, this is an item I want to keep in my wardrobe as a partner.

by Yuta Tanaka




3B Blazer

今BEAMS PLUSで展開されているブレザーの始祖のような?このブレザー。正統派のディテールでありながらコットンリネンの軽快さがあり、当時、カジュアルな装いにとても重宝しておりました。良く軍パンに合わせて着ていた思い出があります。ボタンも破損したり、無くしたりで何回も付け直していただきました。(当時、原宿は強面の兄貴達のような雰囲気でしたがみんな親切丁寧でした〜)自分にとってジャケットこなし入門の思い出深い1着です。

Like the original blazer that is now available at BEAMS PLUS? This blazer. It has orthodox details, yet the lightness of cotton linen made it useful for casual wear at the time. I have memories of wearing it with military pants. The buttons were damaged or lost and had to be reattached many times. It was one of the most memorable jackets that inspired me to wear jackets.

by Nobumitsu Suzuki




Casket Suede


2020 S.S.


I think it was recommended to me by the charismatic Mr. Yanai and I purchased it. I now love hats, but at the time I was not in the habit of wearing hats and it was a very challenging item. However, the feel of the pig suede material and the navy color make it easy to use and I feel it goes with a wide range of styles. Whenever I am not sure what to wear, I often try this one anyway and go straight to it. I don't see many casket hats on the street, and I like them because they prevent me from wearing other people's hats. I also “bought” the beige one and it is very useful. I really wanted a black one, but by the time I realized how easy it was to use, it was sold out.

by Masataka Sakiya




Knit Melton Pullover


2013 A.W.

普段は選ばないカラーリング。当時お世話になったスタッフさんのおすすめでした。改めて新鮮に感じます。やはりBEAMS PLUSですね。今も変わらず楽しんでいます。

A coloring that I usually do not choose. It was recommended by a staff member who took care of me at the time. I feel fresh again. After all, it is BEAMS PLUS. I still enjoy it as much as ever.

by Yukihide Hanabusa




5Pocket Corduroy

尾錠も付いてキレイめなパンツかな、って思ったら、古着のような加工とコーデュロイ生地でワイルドな感じもして、BEAMS PLUSらしいミックスが気に入っています。

I thought they were beautiful pants, but I like the mix of old-fashioned processing and corduroy fabric, a mix that is typical of BEAMS PLUS.

by Shunta Okada




B.D. Oxford, Pinup Girl Tie


2008 A.W. (B.D. Oxford)

こちらのB.D.SHIRTSは私が初めて購入したBEAMS PLUSの商品になります。アメリカ製のもので、購入時ビームス ストリート 心斎橋のガラスのショーケースの中に入っており、購入するのにすごくドキドキした思い出がございます。現在でもブレザーの中に着てこちらの画像のようにネクタイをしめて着用することが多いです。もう一点のレジメンのネクタイは剣先の遊び心が効いてるところが好きで購入しました。画像で見えているのはセクシーな女性の顔だけですが、剣先開いて糸を解くとさらに女性がセクシーになっていきます笑。これからもBEAMS PLUSの素敵な物作りに期待しております。

This B.D.SHIRTS is the first BEAMS PLUS item I purchased. It was made in the U.S.A. and was in a glass showcase at BEAMS STREET Shinsaibashi when I purchased it, and I have memories of being very nervous about purchasing it. Even now, I often wear it inside a blazer with a tie as shown in the image here. I bought the other regimen tie because I like the playful tip of the sword. All you can see in the image is a sexy woman's face, but when you open the sword tip and undo the system, the woman becomes even sexier lol. I look forward to BEAMS PLUS's continued wonderful creations in the future.

by Ryo Kondo




Easy Pants

BEAMS PLUSで初めて購入したアイテム。夏場白Tに合わせるロングパンツを探していて生地感・色・サイズがマッチ。店員さんとのお話も購入のきっかけになった記憶があります。10年以上?経過していますが現在も活躍してます!

This is the first item I ever bought from BEAMS PLUS. I was looking for some long pants to wear with a white T-shirt in the summer, and I remember the fabric, color, and size being a perfect match, and the conversation with the store clerk helped me decide to buy them. More than 10 years have passed, but they're still going strong!

by Kenji Kurata




Straight Tip Oxford

アルフレッドサージェント製bprレザーシューズとの出会いは、私がBEAMS PLUSのファンになったきっかけのような気がします。今でも6足を大事にメンテナンスして履いています♪♪私の大切な相棒です!

I think my encounter with the bpr leather shoes made by Alfred Sargent was what made me a fan of BEAMS PLUS. Even now, I carefully maintain and wear 6 pairs. They are my important partners!

by Kazuo Yamaguchi




Harris Tweed Daffle Coat


2014 A.W.

このダッフルコートは私が初めて買ったBEAMS PLUSの商品です。当時はBEAMS PLUSをよく知っていたわけではないですが、色に惹かれて購入しました。インパクトのある色ですが、落ち着いた発色なので様々なアイテムと合わせる事ができます。購入してから10年以上経過していますが、今も着用しています。かなり前の商品なので、お店のスタッフさんも知らない人がチラホラ。それどこのですか?という質問にはちょっとドヤ顔で裏地に付いたタグを見せてます笑。時代に左右されない男服だと思います!これからも大事に着たいと思います!

This duffle coat is the first BEAMS PLUS item I ever bought. I didn't know much about BEAMS PLUS back then, but I was attracted to the color and bought it. It's an impactful color, but with a subdued tone, so it can be matched with various items. It's been more than 10 years since I bought it, but I still wear it. It's a pretty old item, so some of the staff at the store don't know about it. When people ask me ""Where did you get that?"", I show them the tag on the lining with a bit of a smug face, lol. I think it's menswear that transcends trends! I want to continue to cherish and wear it!

by Takumi Yamaguchi




Easy Pants


I bought these pants immediately because it's rare to find this type with belt loops. They're so light and comfortable to wear, they've been a lifesaver for work in the summer. The bicycle chain oil stains on the cuffs have become a part of their charm. The quality is excellent, so I've been wearing them for a long time, and they're still going strong!

by Hiromi Tamura




4B Double Breasted Blazer


2021 S.S.

仕事柄、年中カジュアルなので、ちょっとしたパーティでのドレスアップもNEEDLESのカバーオールにネクタイを合わせたり、ENGINEERED GARMENTSのセットアップだったりという砕けたスタイルでした。特に秋冬は。でも、春はもう少しちゃんとしたいな、という気分の時に出会ったのがこのブレザーです。打ち込みの強いポプリン素材で、肩や胸に芯地が入っていないけどしっかりハリとコシがあって、着心地は軽快。トラッドでクリーンだけど、重厚すぎず、手持ちの服とも合う親しみやすさが気に入っていて、子どもの学校行事や、親族での会合、初めて取引きするクライアントとのミーティングなど、少しお洒落に見られたい! という時に着ています。スタイリングは、「BEAMS PLUS」の藤井さんや丹羽さんの着こなしを参考にしていたのですが、いまだになかなか冒険はできず……。シャツはオックスフォードのB.D.やシャンブレー、パンツはNigel Cabournのバリっとした軍チノや、POLO RALPH LAURENのフニャっとした2タックチノなどを合わせています。

My job allows me to dress casually year-round, so even for slightly dressy parties, I'd go for a relaxed style like a NEEDLES coverall with a tie or an ENGINEERED GARMENTS setup, especially in autumn and winter. But when spring comes around, I feel like dressing up a bit more, and that's when I found this blazer. It's made of tightly woven poplin fabric, and even though it doesn't have padding in the shoulders or chest, it has a firm texture and a light, comfortable feel. I like its approachable style—traditional and clean, but not too heavy, and it goes well with the clothes I already own. I wear it when I want to look a bit more stylish, like for school events for my children, family gatherings, or meetings with new clients. For styling, I used to refer to how Mr. Fujii and Mr. Niwa of ""BEAMS PLUS"" wear it, but I still haven't been able to venture out much.... I usually pair it with an Oxford B.D. or chambray shirt, and pants like Nigel Cabourn's crisp military chinos or POLO RALPH LAUREN's soft, two-pleated chinos.

by Hideki Goya




Light Oz Denim Open Collar Shirt


2017 A.W.

BEAMS PLUSに通い始めて初期に購入した商品で未だに着続けている1着です。シンプルにして経年変化していくにつれて益々、愛着の湧く1品になりました。現代フィットとは異なりショート丈でややタイト目な感じが今となっては逆に新鮮なのもお気に入りの理由の1つです。

This is one of the first items I bought when I started shopping at BEAMS PLUS, and I still wear it to this day. Its simple design has become even more endearing as it ages. Unlike modern fits, the shorter length and slightly tighter silhouette feel fresh now, which is another reason why I love it.

by Manabu Kasuga