We, BEAMS, have long been
captivated by stories behind matters.
What shapes cultures of BEAMS are totally varied.
For instance, graphics from a skater culture,
arts that deliver a solid message to the world,
or music that colorizes our everyday life.
At B CULTURES, we will share
those stories and behind-the-scenes of
artists and brands from all over the world.
2008年、”東京”から生み出されるアート、デザイン、カルチャーを世界に発信していくプロジェクトとしてスタート。”CULT(熱狂)” “CULTURE(文化)” “ART(芸術)”を組み合わせたネーミングの<TOKYO CULTUART by BEAMS>では、アート作品やデザインプロダクツ、関連書籍は勿論のこと、コレクター心をくすぐるフィギュアやソフビなどの限定トイも展開。混沌とした東京らしさを通じて、現代の日本文化を発信します。
The project was started in 2008 in purpose of transmitting arts, designs, and cultures from Tokyo to the world. TOKYO CULTUART by BEAMS, which is a mixture of terms, CULT, CULTURE, and ART, offers various merchandise including arts, designed-products, publications, and limited figures and toys. Chaotic parts of Tokyo can be fully savored here while also experiencing Japanese modern cultures.
2001年、”ART FOR EVERYDAY”をテーマに掲げ誕生したTシャツ専門のレーベル。日々、世界で生み出されているアーティスティックなグラフィックをTシャツというキャンバスに表現、発表しています。ゲームやアニメなどこれまでファッションとは無縁であった業界とのコラボレーションも数多く展開し、BEAMSの持つボーダーレスな感覚をさらに先へと進めています。
The t-shirt label with the concept, “ART FOR EVERYDAY”, was founded in 2001. The label exhibits creative graphics from all over the world by regarding a t-shirt as a canvas. By collaborating with the industries which weren’t firmly connected to fashion such as tv game or animation enterprises, the label leads BEAMS to evolve into a more borderless organization.
In 1999, the label was established for delivering “a trend” and “an essence” of the time through music. While assorting genreless, timeless, and evergreen records at a store, various audio equipments such as earphones, speakers, and amps are also available in addition to publications, bags, and accessories. The concept is “a rich lifestyle with music” at anywhere, anytime.
B GALLERY is “a cultural transmission space” which embodied a corporate philosophy of BEAMS, “Create a happiness of the future. Keep delivering a material of an empathy.” Through exhibiting creations of artists regardless of their recognitions or genres, the gallery challenges to offer a passion and a feeling of an era. The space was designed for sharing, coexisting, and flourishing “an emotion, a creation, and an inspiration” of artists, visitors, and BEAMS.