Supervised by < BEAMS JAPAN >, a new type of prefecture guidebook that parents and children should read now, ``Prefectural Outing Guide for Elementary School Students,'' is now on sale.

Study reference book publishers Shinko Publishing and BEAMS JAPAN have teamed up to release a prefectural guidebook for elementary school students and their families, ``Illustrated Guide to Prefectural Outings for Elementary School Students'' at bookstores nationwide. In addition, from March 20, 2023, it will be sold sequentially at BEAMS JAPAN (Shinjuku), BEAMS JAPAN Shibuya, BEAMS JAPAN Kyoto, and BEAMS ONLINE SHOP. Additionally, if you purchase this book at BEAMS, you will receive a limited edition original orange furoshiki as a gift.

This book lists the attractions of the prefectures selected by BEAMS JAPAN, and provides an easy-to-understand introduction to places that elementary school students should visit and the characteristics of each prefecture that they must know, which will lead to learning for elementary school students. You can learn about the historical origins and roles of towns by dividing them into ``Castle Towns'', ``Monzen Towns'', ``Shukuba Towns'', ``Port Towns'', ``Onsen Towns'', ``Satochi-Satoyama'', ``Bed Towns'', and ``Miyako'', and visit each prefecture's page. Here, we have selected representative "towns" so that you can deepen your learning.
Having one book in your family will enrich your travels and learning, and it's packed with content that can be enjoyed not only by elementary school students but also by adults.

“Illustrated guide to prefectural outings for elementary school students”
Publisher: Shinko Publishing Co., Ltd. Keirinkan
Supervision: BEAMS JAPAN
Text/Binding design/Editing/DTP: Imaging Works
Illustration: Yone
List price: 1,430 yen (tax included) AB size
- release date
- March 20, 2023
- Sales store
- BEAMS JAPAN (Shinjuku)